Our new products are here, do you know them all?

🌱 3 Super Mix
Need ideas to vary your breakfast? Are you bored with the same old muesli? These three mixes are sure to enrich your meal and give you an energy boost. You can vary between:

🌱 4 Super Snacks

Estes snacks são um concentrado de sabor e de energia, opções super saudáveis e deliciosas com três frutas icónicas dos Açores: Ananás, Banana e Laranja, e uma descoberta nova: o Yacon, desidratados e acompanhados, claro, por uma neve de spirulina.


🌱 5 Condimentos naturais

You already knew our Flor de Sal & Spirulina, but now we take the adventure higher with new combinations that will sublimate your recipes even more. As a base we have the Flor de Sal de Castro Marim & our Spirulina from the Azores and we have some very special Azorean guests:

Erva Patinha | Açaflor | Funcho | Erva Patinha Verde | Chill

It’s our daily choices that build our future!â €
Know the origin and buy directly from the producer 💚